Matsqui Sumas Abbotsford Pioneer Stories 1890–1950

Philip Sherwood, Managing Editor. 2013. 9 x 11 inches, 388 pages, 350+ images, casebound. Cover and book design by William Glasgow. Printed in Canada by Friesens. Published by MSA Museum. ISBN 978-0-9737193-3-8. 1,500 copies managed this project from concept to publication. The Abbotsford Pioneer Association and MSA Museum partnered to collect and publish stories from the early European settler families in the region and their descendants. Our services included:

  • working with the stakeholders to develop parameters for the project as well as a mission statement.
  • assembling and training a team of museum employees and community volunteers
  • training volunteers to interview storytellers. Approximately 75 individuals were interviewed.
  • conducting a media campaign to inform the community of the project and invite participation
  • developing a process and flow chart to keep track of the 199 submissions from approximately 150 contributors
  • ensuring that each storyteller had the opportunity to revise their submissions and give final approval for publication
  • structural and stylistic editing and revising the entire publication — approximately 150,000 words
  • keeping the entire project on a tight schedule and non-negotiable deadline for completion. Liaising with the stakeholders
  • editing the captions of over 350 images
  • copyediting and proofreading
  • book and cover design
  • Contracting and liaising with the printer on behalf of the client
  • creating a promotional poster, book mark, and media release
  • MC’ing the book launch

To order a copy ($50.00), contact the Heritage Abbotsford Society, 2313 Ware Street,
Abbotsford BC V2S 3C6. Tel. 604.853.0313, email


Following publication, Dorothy van der Ree, the Executive Director of the MSA Museum wrote,

“In April 2012 the MSA Museum Society hired Philip Sherwood to be managing editor for a new book, MSA Pioneer Stories 1890–1950. Our goal was to collect, edit, and publish a coffee-table book containing accounts from European pioneers or their descendants. Philip played a large part in helping us succeed. Among other things he wrote press releases, developed a Mission Statement for the project, trained volunteers to interview participants, crafted the transcripts into engaging stories, developed project timelines, edited and proofread the resulting 199 articles, helped choose photos, wrote photo captions, helped design promotional posters, and collaborated with the book designer, printer, and Museum staff members. He even MC’d the book launch!

“The collaboration between Philip and Bill Glasgow, the book and cover designer, was seamless, and MSA Pioneer Stories 1890 – 1950 is as much a treat for the eye as for the mind. It has been very well received in the community, and it certainly would not be the success it is without Philip’s participation. He is truly a professional in his field — very detail oriented and leaving nothing to chance — and working with him over the last year has been a great learning experience and a distinct pleasure. I hope that this is not the last of our work together.” serves clients in the greater Vancouver area and British Columbia and across Canada.

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