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In the Arms of My Beloved:
A Journey Through Breast Cancer

Sandra Crawford. 2009. 9 x 6 inches, 190 pages. Soft cover. Book design by William Glasgow. Cover by Ryan Tsuen. Printed by Friesens ISBN 978–0–9813178–0–9

Winner, 2010 Word Guild Award for Best Independently Published Non-fiction provided the following services:

  • stylistic editing
  • copyediting
  • proofreading
  • book design


After publication, the client wrote,

“As a first time writer, I had a lot to learn about the entire process of getting a book from the initial draft to the final, finished product. . . . Thankfully, I decided to invest in a professional. Philip definitely knows his stuff. He offered objective feedback that caused me to dig deeper. Not only did he strengthen my manuscript, but he has made me a better writer. If you are wondering if it’s worth it to hire an editor — it is!” serves clients in the greater Vancouver area and British Columbia and across Canada.

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